07/ Hockey Stadium Bruneck
Bruneck / Italy







Brunico, South Tyrol, Italy





  • YEAR : 2014
  • LOCATION : Brunico, South Tyrol, Italy
  • TYPOLOGY : Sports
  • STATUS : Concept

The competition brief asked to design a new ice hockey stadium in Bruneck, South Tyrol. The existing one proved to be too small and old, and in urgent need to be replaced with a new structure.

The program asked for the accommodation of one internal closed ice hockey field for 3.000 spectators, one external roofed field for public use and training, and offices for the hockey club, bar and lounge areas, locker rooms, and staff, among others.

The design is influenced by urban planning principles. All decisions are subject to urban imaginary spatial sequences, including an “entrance plaza” as an important part of the overall concept. Different “plazas” in its various forms (open, roofed) are to be mentioned here, as well as the arrangement of the various functions. The design concept is to hand the solution of functional relationships and reflect the impact of the surrounding space.

Competition entry, special jury nomination.

Competition design team: Peter Pichler, Pavol Mikolajcak, Vitomarco Marinaccio

Stadium for 3.000 visitors

Client: city of Bruneck