Thrilled to participate in the 14th International Alvar Aalto Symposium. New Housing Solutions for Cities in Change will take on August 30-31 in Jyväskylä, Finland. The speakers represent a wide, multidisciplinary group of professionals and experts from the fields related to the symposium theme. These include among others: Selina Anttinen (Finland), Stephen Bates (UK), Damiano Cerrone (Italy), Édouard François (France), Mikkel Frost (Denmark), Ola Nylander (Sweden), Kristien Ring (Germany), Verena von Beckerath (Germany), Anne Kaestle (Switzerland), Peter Pichler (Italy), Jeremy Till (UK), Elina Alatalo (Finland), Jaakko Blomberg (Finland), Antti Lehto (Finland), Katja Maununaho (Finland), Elli Mosayebi (Switzerland), Sini Saarimaa (Finland) and Jyrki Tarpio (Finland).